Mr Lush - Season 1

S1E12 - Kokon Adieu

S1E12 – Adieu cocoon!

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Mr Lush and Olivier look to satisfy their desire for French cuisine at one of restaurants in the Catoy. They are enjoying an excellent eight...

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S1E11 - Zwischen den Markisen tropft es

S1E11 – In the rain between awnings

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Over a latte and some dry biscuits, Mr Lush and Olivier have a quite wonderful chat with the proprietor of the antique bookstore, Rose. Mr Lush...

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S1E10 - Der Durst nach Zivilisation

S1E10 – The thirst for civilization

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Olivier the Ocelot and Mr Lush, having finished the last of the champagne supplied by the feline hotelier, are in search of a café in...

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S1E9 - Wiedersehen mit fiesen Fratzen

S1E9 – Familiar faces

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Mr Lush opens his eyes and looks up at the ceiling of his suite at the Catoy. His head aches and he feels feverish. He slips into...

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S1E8 - An sonnigen Tagen trocknen unsere Tränen schneller

S1E8 – On sunny days, our tears dry quicker

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Mr Lush sits in his black three-piece dinner suit at the Catoy hotel bar. His lustrously polished John Lobster Opera Pumps complete with a silk bow...

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S1E7 - Der Schneider mit dem japanischen Maulbeer-Büttenpapier

S1E7 – The tailor with the Japanese mulberry paper

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Mr Lush, sporting a mid-grey double-breasted flannel suit, looking rested, freshly showered, and accurately shaven, sits down at the desk to work. He takes a sheet...

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S1E6 - Auf Serpentinen zur Erleuchtung

S1E6 – Meandering to enlightenment

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Mr. Lush is dreaming. … Ho sbagliato tante volte ormai che lo so giàche oggi quasi certamentesto sbagliando su di te Ma una volta in...

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S1E5 - Metamorphosis auf der Sonnenbank

S1E5 – Metamorphosis on the Tanning Bed

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Mr Lush stares at his reflection in the looking glass and sees only white.  He is reminded of the cheese shop Mord & Maison. However,...

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S1E4 - Olivier, der Ozelot

S1E4 - Olivier, the Ocelot

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He paces up, he paces down. Mr Lush is indecisive. Does he dare give in to the urge he hasn’t felt since he was a...

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